After having an early lunch at the Hinode pier, this lunch, chirashi-sushi was quite disappointing. The taste was fair, but the quality of the side dishes, the apologies of the prawns, etc. There is no such thing as this, the hardness of the rice is just like dumplings, and the whole quantity is small. Again, it was a pity. However, today is a photo from rice. I enjoyed Ikegami Honmonji.
There was a grave of Rikidouzan. There was a bust, but there was a slight resistance to taking a picture of the grave, so I will use the text as an introduction.

重要文化財 五重塔
Simply put, it is the oldest five-story pagoda in Kanto.

此経難持坂から見下ろす We look down from shikyounanjizaka
The stone steps seem to be 96 steps to climb from the main gate. It is said that if you climb while reading the 96 Japanese words, you will naturally get up, but how is it?

仁王門と桜 Niomon and cherry blossom
I’m not religious, so I’m not interested in what this gate means. However, it is the scenery that I feel that cherry blossoms and Japanese architecture look good.

大堂の横から。細工がオリエンタル。 From the side of Daido. The work is oriental.
Not only is the architecture beautiful, but it is a piece of slimming that worked well.

霊宝殿 Reihouden
I like this niece.

池上本門寺の桜 Cherry blossoms of Ikegami Honmonji

手水舎 Hand water house
The water surface is in focus … It is a useless photo.
